About Me

My photo
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Love photography so much!!!!

May 1, 2010

Bisik Badut

Bisik-bisik mari,
Sembunyi kita di dalam sini,
topeng dan baju besar ini,
Kita bisik-bisik saja.

Pantat kita ayo goyang,
Tangan kamu dan aku ayo gerakkan,
Hitung saja 1 sampai 3,
Mereka pasti menangis
atau pilihannya tertawa gembira syalala lala,

Bisik-bisik mendekat,
Senyum lah kecut dengan lebar,
Ayo kita ulangi gerakan tadi lagi :)

November 16, 2009

a little imagine about MG

Memperkenalkan sedikit tentang MG saya. :)
Mudah-mudahan manfaat yah!!! :)

Peak Jealous


find me a woman!!!

---->> For who?

Me <----

---->> for what?

Married <-----

Who is Her?
----------------------------->> Ms Gala uuuuuu <<------------------------------

But its hard, she has someone.

????????<------ ??????????????

(((((how about me? your girl???))))))

November 14, 2009

Before dusk extends above the Earth Indonesia,
Me, my boyfriend and my best friend had first approached this beautiful place to draw a lot of spirit.
God always creates the beautiful place with a great view! :)

April 24, 2009

Metamarphosis "Entunk"

Almost 5 years, i knew her... We shared a lotta fun, went out together, never ended our relationship as best friends. And this part i dedicated for her...

She's Nurvita Amelyn...

It is the time when we are still in the same home...

with her best friend "Qodjo" heheh

Her birthday party with Koi and Me

He is Hers...

She bought this for fun

She didnt buy it coz she loooked like a fairy tale and it wasnt good... hehe Happy Amelyn!!! Happy Togetherr.... hehe

April 16, 2009

Little Lily with her Ties and Friends


There is a little girl named Lily who wears the ties. Mama, buy those for me!!! Mama mama lets go shopping Mama!!!!

April 15, 2009

First Project, my first money

little promotion,

first calling and

arrange d' schedule

Finally, gw dapet dua anak2 yg mau di foto. Kebetulan seh ini anak2nya Kk temen gw!!! Putri dan Riza... Ampun, lucu-lucu banget dan cerdik. 10 menit mereka berdua udah kayak model cilik yg prof abizz, tp 1jam 15 menit berikutnya muncul bibit2 anak2 dan prilaku yg sangat menyenangkan.. LARI-LARIANNNNN~~~ !!!! huaaaaaaa, KEJAR-KEJARAN, LEMPAR-LEMPARAN. Menyenangkan bukan?!!>>

Ya, ya... coz they know how to act like children, gw bisa dibilang gmpang banget ngerekam aksi2 lucu merekaa. It'snt about the end of the show (gettin money) but it is about satisfaction and great capturing. dan gw bilang, gw dapet baget hari itu..

Dengan preparation yg baik, semangat yg tinggi, semuanya berjalan lancar. :)